Nico Brina
The Rockin' Blues and Boogieman from Switzerland





Duo (with drummer or guitarplayer)

Together with drummer Tobias Schramm and/or Charlie Weibel fro 22 years, and with guitarplayer Pete Borel for 10 years

Trio (with drummer & guitar player)

The Rockin' Blues and Boogie Show

With special vespacar by BearBeat

With the special Vespacar-Mobil-Stage (and much more!) by Bear Beat  - give your event a very special moment with BearBeat and his friends!

Tap dancing & juggling with Lukas Weiss

Tap dancing you have never seen before

MORE VIDEOS: Mr. Tapman l Tap And Boogie

Boog & Brina (2 pianos, 4 hands)

The Rockin' Boogie Party sensation on 2 pianos and 2 drums

MORE VIDEOS: Sweet Home Chicago l Boogie Woogie Piano Show

Playtime: 90 to 135 minutes - sets depend on your wishes; shows, concert, lounge- and background music or just a Boogie Woogie- and Rock'n'Roll party

Special Guest(s): the special guests are part of the show

Extravagant show components: of course you can also only book short shows